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you have to try kava root. buy the organic stuff from amazon. pacific islanders use it for all kinds of stuff. i used it for a pinched nerve. its mostly used as a social relaxant. it doesnt screw up your head like modern chemistry. it actually doesnt have any effect on your abillity to think, it only relaxes your body and mood.

i buy the organic root powder and mousilin bags then dip it in warm milk to extract the active resin. cant dip in water, its fat soluble only. i drink it and my mouth gets num and i feel relief for a few hours.

its only harmful to the liver if you take with alcohol. please take some and i hope you feel right. i had a brother that trusted modern chemistry for his depression and it didnt end right.

on a light note, get some sunlight, moderate exercise, good nutrition, dont put soap on your face, and start picking up practice girls. They might be imperfect but the practice will get you the ones you want! trust me. and dont ask out girls you know.. just start conversations with strangers and right after you make her laugh ask her to get a drink with you. one out of ten will say yes. if shes drinking she wants you.

we're all rootin for you dude