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BornFirst. said:

 Posted something like this on another thread but wanted peoples veiws. 

The thing is, from the start of this generation( being when the consoles were being preveiwed for the first time) it seemed the industry was totally against nintendo's strategy. The industry wanted Nintendo to fail, but its not the industry who chooses who comes on top its the consumer.

Here are a few links.

1) Strategy Analytics says Wii a non-factor:

2) Wallace declares Revolution as Nintendo’s last console:

3) Maeba and Mefibaugh say the PS3 will have 50% of the market at the end of 2006.

4) Yuta Sakurai declares the PS3 to outsell the Wii.

5) Business Week thinks Wii will cannibalize DS sales.

6) Van Baker says casual gamers won’t be engaged with the Wii longer than a couple of years. Low resolutions will destroy the Wii future as well.

7) Yankee Group says will sell only 11 million.

8) Ed Barton says he cannot analyze the Wii strategy but puts it as a distant third anyway.

9) Even at the end of 2005, everyone still thought Nintendo would lose. Iwata says within 2006 and 2007, it will be clear who made the right choices.

And i have a whole lot more. These industry analysts proclaiming nintendo would fail out of the gate every other week. and its still happens now. Now tell me. Really be truthfull in your answer.
If you were a 3rd party dev/pub and these "top"analysts you pay are saying all this FUD, would you make a game for the Wii? Now tell me how you would react 6months to a year later after the Launch of the Wii and seeing its success? the fact that you haven't even built assets or graphic engines or library's or even learnt the tech of the wiimote, how are you supposed to make anything other than shovel ware in less than a year? 


 I would not pay for anylists...

And if I was a gamedevelopper I would not skip to the Wii because it has a higer userbase... I would just making a game for a console without watching his sales =p.  If it is a good game it still can sell like 2-3 million copies on a userbase of 10 million..