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Viper1 said:
Gamerace said:
Viper1 said:
Gamerace said:
Aside from yes WiiU needs games...

Miyamoto's point here is absurd. Just by pushing the screen to a tablet (common device in an ever growing amount of households) PS4/720 equalize the WiiU's advantage (limited by how far you can get from the system with your wireless controller). MS will almost certainly offer this (smartglass) and Sony could copy the strategy easily.

I really don't see this being a big advantage. People are more and more watching TV off different devices as well and many homes have multiple TVs. Heck, if PS4/720 could send the picture to any smart tv in the house that would trump WiiU's gamepad for a lot of people - and that type of functionality will become standard over the next five years making Nintendo's solution appear antiquated.

Miyamoto is completely out of touch with modern technology and how the world works nowadays. The sooner he retires the better (but I hope he still designs some games).

So you just read the headline (which he never said himself) and not the article?

I'm responding to the article:

The Wii U’s use of an integrated second screen poses a notable threat to Microsoft and Sony’s rival machines.

That’s according to design legend Shigeru Miyamoto who speaking to CNN said that the Wii U’s impact will grow considerably over time.

"I almost feel like, as people get more familiar with Wii U and these touchscreen interfaces, that there is going to come a point where they feel like 'I can't do everything I want to do if I don't have a second screen'."

Perhaps you should read it yourself.

I just linked you to the original article, not MCV's crap.   Read the actual CNN article.  hell, even the MCV article doesn't actually quote Miyamoto as saying anything directly toward the compeition nor does not say any of the comepition can't do the same.

My apologies viper - you must have posted that after I began my post.  I didn't see it.

Read it now.   You're correct, he's not suggesting it'll pose any threat to PS4/720 but I still think he's willfully or neglectly (is that a word?) oblivious to the fact that WiiU isn't doing anything that won't be commonplace in a very short amount of time.  It's going to seem very dated by end of 2014 and that's a big problem.