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bananaking21 said:
Viper1 said:
bananaking21 said:

didnt read this, what should i change the article to? 

Edit : im kind of busy so i wont read the other article, so just give me a proper headline if you could so people would stop arguing

'Mario,' 'Zelda' creator says give the Wii U time.

That's the original CNN headline and the crux of the interview.

thanks, damn crappy game journalists, if i knew it was made up i woluld have put that tittle

Nintendo's Japanese execs (Yamauchi aside) are usally very respective of the compeition and rarely ever address them directly.   Any headline that suggests they say something about the compeition should be immediately taken with a grain of salt as it's likely written just to gain hits.   Which as you can see works incredibly well.

The rEVOLution is not being televised