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Avinash_Tyagi said:
darklich13 said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
darklich13 said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
darklich13 said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
darklich13 said:
The lifespan of the Wii just isn't long enough. I'd say no.

Why isn't it long enough?

I would say graphics power. When the PS2 came out is was the most powerful system you could own. Then the GC and XBOX came out and they were both more powerful. So, you kinda have the same thing going on this generation. The Wii is the least powerful system and the PS3 and 360 are the Xbox and GC of this generation. But, the PS2 was still able to have the same games as XBOX and GC just with slightly reduced visuals and performance. This is not the case with the Wii.

To me, the Wii isn't just a flash in the pan or a fad but I just don't think it has the staying power of the PS2.

You do realize that the NES was a gen behind its competitors at launch and it lasted 20 years with obsolete graphics

The NES is part of the third generation of video games. It main competition at its time of release (Japan 1983,USA 1985) was the Sega Master System and the Atari 7800. What competitors are you talking about??

lol, you really need to go chaeck your gaming history, when console gaming crashed gaming moved to the gaming PC's of the time, when NES launched, it wasn't against other consoles, but against gaming PC's, when NES launched people thought it was a fad that would die out in favor of the more powerful gaming PC's, funny how the more things change the more they stay the same

Wow, PC IS NOT A CONSOLE!!!!  If it were why don't we track the sales of PC. Because clearly PC's have sold more than all the consoles combined and makes this whole discussion and this website void.  Gaming did not move to the PC. It was always there from day 1.  There were no "gaming PC".  

NES's main competition was the SMS and the 7800.  All three of these systems are very compareable when you look at the specs.  

 SMS was launched after the NES, as was the 7800, they were in response to the NES's success against the gaming PC's, gaming PC's were systems like the Commodore 64 which was where gaming moved to once the console crash occured


We don't track PC sales, because theat ageis long over, NES won, but at the time when NES launched it was facing the much more accepted gaming PC's, consoles at that time were thought to be destined to crash over and over

7800 was test run to the public in 1984, a year before the NES was released in the US.

You cannot compare the hardware sales of the NES to home computers or PC's because people buy these machines for things other than gaming. Video game consoles are designed to only play videogames. (This has changed some now though) So, the NES brought gaming back to the television and this is reason why consoles are so popular now. Why does that make you think that Wii will pass the PS2 in sales?


EMULATION is the past.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E