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Oh and as for food costs. I probably spend about ~$25 a week per person on food.

I'm part of a CSA (community shared agriculture) program.

So I pay a bunch of money upfront (around ~$30 a week) and get a bunch of locally grown organic seasonol vegetables...

and that's just pretty much what we eat outside of other money spent on stuff to add with in like tofu, with the occasional junk snack food or soda. Every once in a while we'll go out to eat, but my girlfriends vegan and the vegan places like us are actually really quite cheap.

It's actually tough to use everything we get... we get like half a bushel of vegetables... either per week or per 15 weeks, don't know bushels and they aren't 100% clear... but it's a ridiculous amount of stuff.

We've been getting DROWNED in greens lately. About to get delivery again and we're expecting

Sweet pea pods, Collards, Romaine lettuce, Carrots, Spinach, Spring Salad Mix Lettuce, Kale, Cabbage and Swiss Chard.

While we still have a ton of lettuce, green onions, carrots and bok choy left over from last week. And i have some beats from two weeks ago i haven't pickled yet... and the carrot greens just ended up wasted because of the huge ridiculous amount of stuff.