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Umm...I might be in the minority here, but can't we all just get along? Can't we just be happy for all the good games coming out this year for each system and be content with that?



Okay, I tried....well anyways, besides not caring about who wins in the end, I find it kinda hard to believe the PS3 beating the Wii in sales right at this moment....if, and that is a BIG IF....if the PS3 can be the overall leader in hardware sales and be at least number 2 if not number 1 in software sales in the SAME month for at least ONE month, AND the Wii has stopped its domination for more than a month or two, then I will accept the possibility of the PS3 having a chance in beating the Wii....and you never know, it could happen....someday....maybe....

Explanation of sig:

I am a name is hard is that? (Don't ask about the 101...apparantely there are more of me out there....)