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kain_kusanagi said:
$500 is not too much for any console if it has the games you want. It's going to last you for 5-10 years. People who paid $600 for their PS3 certainly go their money's worth.

Value is relative.

I was just gonna say something similar about value.  The way I look at it consoles are an anomaly.  They're the one piece of tech that will be at the forefront of their industry with no successor or iteration for 5-7 years.  I compare that to a tablet that will be upgraded in a year and costs, in iPad's case, $600 or so depending on memory and there is no comparison.  Fact of the matter is people can afford it.  

I'm a poor college kid and I never go over $500 a year on games yet I buy many triple A games a year and always buy new to support devs.  I budget it out at the start of every year and look at where the price point will have to be for each game before I pull the trigger.  Just got FC3 for $30 on Amazon because it didn't fit in the budget last year.  Even with PS4 (I'm estimating cost at $500) I will be under budget this year because I'm going to buy a second and sell the pre-order for $800 if it's that much.  If I buy 3 I can get my budget under $300 by selling it.  

Obviously this year is abnormal as it's the first time I've bought a console since PS3 which I did go over budget on in Summer 07 but bottom line is people just need to be conscious with their money if they want to support their hobby.  The amount of enjoyment and moving experiences I get out of games is very worth it for me.  If you don't get that entertainment and emotional value, then maybe you need a different hobby or you need to wait and get things on the cheap.

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