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Well, it's a little late now, don't you think? Would have been nice to know in 1913, though.

As an aside, there are way too many people ingrained/indoctrinated nowadays in the Federal Reserve mindset and system. To the point where there is little to no chance of it ever going away. I mean, it's just not going to happen. The system props up so many other institutions and has caused so many industries and groups of people to be dependent on it, that to close it down would cause mass hysteria and rioting in the streets. It would be civil war, but on a global scale. So, really, World War, I guess. lol

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.