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Most people here do not even know what bottleneck means...Each component in the PS4 is balanced is what it means. A bottleneck would be if you upgrade your PC video card but left your old slow CPU in. PS4 has limitations but has no bottlenecks. There we go again people who think they are expert who simply do not know what they are talking about. There is a difference between bottleneck and limitation.


The xbox may be the same.


The only reason people are trying to discredit this is ebcause it's not for theri favourite console.

We know what the difference is.

Go read one of the 1,000,000 topics regarding the ps4's ram.

The ram is quite sufficent to handle this game at 60 fps, and computer person will even admit to this regardless how supreme they think a PC is.  So there are either one of two things preventing it.  

1. some other piece of hardware, (thus a bottleneck)

2. the developer (now why would they cap the fps at 30 if it could handle 60?  Every developer, reviewer, gaming site, fan, ect has been clamoring about wanting 60 fps since before ps3 was released.  They all said that the ps3 would have every game in 1080p 60 fps.  That didn't happen.)