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WereKitten said:

Graphics and compute in parallel means more granularity in sharing the CUs, be that because of the increased number of queues as shown by the VGLeaks diagram of a few weeks ago, or by something akin to hyperthreading in CUs- i.e. a hardware assisted context switching.

I agree, there is a little bit too much magic derived from this (google-translate-from-japanese?) preview. I'd assume hyperthreading within a CU would cause nightmares with data coherencies and frame rate timings. So I'd guess the PS4 is able to dynamically (re-)-allocate CUs for graphics or cpu-type stuff like physics. In simple terms if you have a lot of rubble flying around, you temporarily allocate more CUs to particle physics, if (or while you somehow make sure?) the remaining CUs can still hold a reasonable frame rate. Whether any developer actually goes that path is unlikely, though. Maybe in 2-3 years when developers really figured out the pros and cons of the system.