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I thought your post was really more suited for a blog, but I guess it works here too. Nice write up, and all very real concerns. I myself am more of a PlayStation fan, but even more-so I'm a fan of great gaming, no matter what the platform. I bought a 360 at launch and enjoyed it for about 2 years. Then as things progress with microsoft and the way they ran things (less exclusive IP, paid $50 online, multiplayer/FPS centric console) my enjoyment for the 360 just nose dived. It was around that time that PS3 started finding it's footing, (I bought PS3 on launch day as well) and I sold off my Xbox360 and never looked back. Seeing the way MS does business, doesn't make me, A CORE GAMER, feel like Microsoft is my home for gaming.

And to tie it back in to the OP, it sounds like MS is all set to have MANY HUGE turnoffs for the true core gamer (Especially single player game fans). My biggest fear is that they WILL do all these things we don't want to see (as listed in the OP) but they will have an Ace up their sleeve with something pretty "Wow-Worthy" that will distract people from all the negative anti-gamer features, and people will buy it. Then what they will have done is start a trend, that gets adopted, and become industry norm/standard. MS knows how to reel people in, it's the pleasing them once they are a member of the family that they care nothing about. Please be careful potential Xbox720 buyers. Think wisely before you blindly buy.

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