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My methodology wasn't right, right off the bat, merely because there is litterally no one even covering the market.

However, over the months of working with XBLA data, I went from correctly identifying 2-3 the top-10 games for the Arcade, to always getting 8-9 correct each and every week - and with entire justification(s) for the last title or two.

Since the beginning of the charts, I've recieved anonymous, and not-so-anonymous PMs from people in the downloadable games industry. In the beginning, the PMs were "your way off on the numbers, make sure that you post that they're just estimates" to "I work in the industry, they're within 10% for the vast majority of games" - which even if they aren't legit, they do make me feel warm at night.

But then I have recieved PMs from actual XBLArcade companies, with verifiable names/email addresses, which I am excited about. If I get more time, I'm hoping to do more stuff with XBLA, and hopefully PSN and WiiWare in the future.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.