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kowenicki said:
teigaga said:
"It will take a lot more than this "fiasco" to get me to switch to the PS4."

Ewww, Microsoft has loyal fans? Why?

I guess they must really like Halo and Gears.



I was being honest though. Do people really have personal attchments to microsoft?? I find that weird, I used to when games like Mass effect and Bioshock were exclusive to 360 and games like fable and Banjo was on their way. Since 2009 the 360 has started to loose it soul, its still kinda my preference for 3rd party because of the controller but i don't see much going for microsoft in next gen... 

From my understanding they don't have an awesome blog like sony, or do cool little things like Nintendo directs. Essential Microsoft has no personality. Sorry but not sorry. 

I would for a microsoft fanboy to explain their attachment to the xbox brand. Is it Halo? genuinely interest :)