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You must be on crack ,FFIX is the worst FF of all the FF released in the Sony consoles .

This must be the reasons some people like it .It seems like sony-haters and people that think the green sprite know as Kefka was transcendent as a villian just hates all the good FF in Sony consoles but somehow like FFIX wich was a throwback to the old FF of the Nes-Snes days ...

Anyway ,for me it goes as follows :

FFVII :the best without contemplations .Best story ,best scope ,and for the time it pushed the genre light years ahead what had been done before .Great combat system through materia ,tons of sidequests ,unlockable charachters ,charismatic charachters ,magnificent music etc

Final Fantasy X :The story is only second to FFVII and the gameplay is a bit linear but has lots and lots of depths and side quests .It has some of the best graphics of the series yet .As good as XII but still not full 3D .

Final Fantasy VIII :This must have probably the best combat system of all .The graphics were also a great push forward since FFVII graphics .Story was allright but nothing special .Very long .Great music .The charachters were also charismatic ,such as Squall ,Irvine ,Zell ,Rinoa etc .A let down was the final boss that wasnt charistmatic at all and unheard of for most of the game .Side quest were fewer than in other games but the very deep battle system and magic recruiting ,the very difficult to obtain Final weapons and the very long quest compensated for this .

Final Fantasy XII :Still playing this .The graphics are as good as FFX but this time real 3D .The story and charachters are quite believable ,the music is very good and the combat system although a big depart from other games has lots of depth and customization .Dont know if I would like them to go the same way for XIII tough .

Final Fantasy VI :This is a great game for the Snes ,it pushed the hardware quite hard .Graphics and music are very good for its time .The story is also good but not so great anyway .No main charachter for the good and the bad .Dialogues are too laconic and we are supposed to "get all " because lines as "......." and laconic sprites looking to the ground .The badass is a ridiculous green sprite named Kefka that laughs always like "HA HA HA HA " and enters or exits stage usually jumping .Cherished like no other by Nintendo fanboys who played it when they were little childs its way overrated but still a great game .Worse than Chrono Trigger ,though .

Final Fantasy IX :The graphics were at its peak for the PS1 ,but the design didnt let them shine as they could have .The slighty superdeformed and old school charachters didnt benefit the same as in FFVIII .The backdrops ,though ,were fantastic .The story was bland ,the main charachters were lingering between the comic and the ridiculous and well ,lets say the bad guy we didnt know if he was a girl or boy until he was dead .The side quests were numerous but uninteresting .The battle system based on the jobs was good ,each charchter was very different in battle ...I think it had a lot of depht but sadly the game wasnt hard or long enough to extract from you honing your battle skills too much and finally you didnt do it .The final boss must be the worst of all FF as it is some faceless being called the Dark Side or something like that that you havent heard about until five minutes before fighting him .The final of the game is rushed and overoptimistic and doesnt let you with even a feeling .Still its a good game ,technically very good ,quite long (albeit a lot less than other FF ) and has its good moments (the siege to the Alexandria castle for example ) .Still ,one of the worst on the Sony consoles .

Final Fantasy I-II :played them on the PS in the Anthology series .Decent stories but dated gameplay and graphics didnt let me enjoy them so much .I suppose they were something special in their time but looking at them from 2000 and worse from 2008 they are too dated to appreciate .Maybe I should take a go on the PSP now that they have been released in a rearranged version who knows .

Final Fantasy V:Played it on a Snes emulator on my Dreamcast .Didnt like it I didnt put time in it .I thought I would play later to get the good side of the game but finally never did .If it was so good I would have surely played it more but who knows seeing as I played again FFVI on the DC I dont think its due to it being a emulator and all simply didnt grab me .

FFIII ,IV havent played them ever .