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theprof00 said:
avais1993 said:

Are you kidding me? We've got microsoft fans losing their shit and saying they might get a PS4 if the rumors are true...

Yes but we haven't talked about ps4.

Sony is profitting on people talking about ps4 specs and releases and conjecture and predictions everyday. This interrupted everything, and for what? A rumor that probably won't even be true? MS will just show up sooner or later and say it's not true, and then suddenly the last however many days would just be wasted on talking about nexbox instead of sony.

Any marketer can tell you, negative press is better than no press at all. And if this isn't even true, then they just interrupted a ton of momentum. - looks like sony are throwing a 1-2 punch KO

Edit - negative press is NOT good for a companies stock

Bradford City Fan for life

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