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I can't believe PS fanboys are still repeating this same tired nonsense that ninja theory should have stayed exclusive. Here's the truth in a nutshell.... IT WOULD MAKE NO DIFFERENCE!

Heavenly Sword sold well for only one reason... it came out at a time where it was literally one of the only AAA games on the PS3. That is the ONLY reason that it sold over a million. Had ninja theory stayed with sony and released HS2, it would have sold less than HS1, anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional. Every single sony franchise (besides uncharted) that debuted in the PS3 has sold less in subsequent outings.

Stop trying to act like Heavenly Sword ever had a future. That game was a tech demo at best. Ninja Theory was never going to pull an uncharted 2 with that game and they were never going sell more than they did the first time. I'm sure even they knew that the game was just a tech demo and that's why they didn't continue with it. Had Ninja Theory stayed exclusive they would be exactly where they are now if not in worse shape.