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dahuman said:
ninjablade said:
dahuman said:
ninjablade said:
Hynad said:
ninjablade said:
Hynad said:
curl-6 said:
Hynad said:
curl-6 said:
ninjablade said:
curl-6 said:
ninjablade said:

lol i can't even notice the differnce in direct feed hd pics, here is the pc version by the way, so your just seeing things probably the dark gamma of the wiiu version

Which speaks to either your unflinching bias or your immediate need to visit an optometrist.

And the PC version shows the intersection properly reflective. Digital Foundry CLEARLY CITES superior reflection mapping on the Wii U version, your attempt to twist this into "darker gamma" is hilarious.

yes i know DF states that but its not in that pic, digitail foundry has a comment for each pic, all they mention in this pic is the curb is properly textured. i think you need to remove you rose tinted glasses.

They're noted the curb because the pic was a prime example of that, they can't detail every difference in every pic, they chose one for each. The reflection improvement is visible throughout the game, and it is in that pic. You need to remove your rose-tinted glasses when looking at the 360 version.

Yes, it is there. But barely noticeable. You have to look for it to see it. It doesn't pops out and scream "SO MUCH BETTER" to me. It's barely incremental. Best console version? Yes. But it's not like the other versions are a significant distance behind it.

This game is certainly not the best one to illustrate the difference between The HD twins and the U.

That would be Trine 2, at least until the big first party U games arrive.

For the moment, though, it's not a bad example; a game 4 months into the U's life showing improved textures, reflections, and framerate over a 6th/7th year PS360 game.

If all we can expect from the Wii U are tiny, barely incremental improvements over the HD Twins' graphical capabilities, I don't think there's much of case to make here.

yup criteron are very talented developers, that really wanted to show wiiu hardware, they took there time, had proper dev kits, and they only added some pc textures, same low resolution shadows still present, no AA, and the same resolution as the console versions, and not this was released 6 months later with no rush to meet the holiday season like the 360/ps3 versions had to deal with.

My comment wasn't to say the Wii U isn't going to provide graphics that really stand out in comparison to the HD twins. Most console evolve nicely over the course of their lifespan, and I don't think the Wii U will be any different. Although by how much is a good question.

My point was that if you're satisfied with this low an improvement over what is offered on the HD Twins, then there's hardly anything to rave about. I'm pretty sure the graphics will get better from here (at least, I do hope so), but the fact that it's already stuggling to make those older games be barely noticeably better than last gen (if at all in many cases) doesn't paint a good picture for the console's future (as far as graphical capabilities are concerned).

watch dogs should put the wiiu power debate to rest.

No it won't ^_^b You'll create another thread like this and try to say the PS360 versions look better or on par even if it's actually better on the tech front just like right now. Assuming you are still on this site by then lol. You at least eventually admitted the Wii U version of Most Wanted is superior in this thread even if not by much in your opinion, which is a good start if nothing else. As the Wii U actually get titles that look quiet a bit better, you'd prolly come up with other excuses as usual, it's okay though, each is entitled to freedom of speech on the internet since it's not like anybody would track you down and murder you or anything unless you piss off the wrong people lol.

like i said before i have seen a much bigger jump in visuals/frame rate from to 360 to ps3, or even 360 to wiiu, in mutli platform games then this game has, yet i don't hear anybody yelling its more powerful, the differnce between ninja gaiden RE3 ps3 is night and day compared to wiiu version, and so are many othere games, that's why there is a debate, even this game with new dev kits, and coming out 6 months later, the game looks slightly better then the console versions  i think the people making excuses is you guys, if its more powerful hardware games should run and look a bit better period, if  need for speed wiiu had great AA, all the pc textures, and high resolution shadows, i would have said wiiu is clealy more powerful in ways that really matter and show, but this version just tells me the wiiu hardware is on par with 360/ps3 .

Of course RE would be night and day compared to the Wii U version for as long as you are the judge of your own world :P Why would anybody be surprised about that with you by now? Haha. Not to mention Most Wanted does have more stable frames rates, which means it runs better, while having better assets, which can't even be used in last gen systems.

"Need for Speed: Most Wanted on Wii U - the Digital Foundry verdict

All in all, having taken a decade-long break from Nintendo since the release of Burnout 2 on GameCube, Criterion Games has used the Wii U to conjure up the definitive console version of Need for Speed: Most Wanted. It's not an overwhelming advance that matches the visual fidelity of the PC version in all regards, but additions and tweaks are numerous and well-considered. At no expense to the frame-rate, textures stand at the midway point in the quality spectrum, between the more blurry assets we're seeing on PS3 and 360 and the highest possible settings on PC. It's a worthwhile upgrade that extends to reflection draw too, with all other visual facets being identical, and the frame-rate coming away smoother regardless."


So, better on a technical level and performs better, but you don't want to accept it and went into what you prefer instead of going into the technical aspects and pretend that your opinion is definitive without understanding of what you are actually looking at. You lost the argument the moment you decided to enter this thread, just deal with it and wait for the next one since you said the same thing last time about Most Wanted, that this game should end the debate, which it should really have by now lol. It's okay though, that just means I get to rail on you again soon enough, and I do quiet enjoy that.

I  accepted a long time ago, its doesn't matter though, most of the 360 to wiiu ports the 360 has a much bigger jump, for instants AC3 has a 5fps advantage the whole game, while wiiu version of need for speed only has a 5fps during crashes, which do you think is the bigger leap, not to mention the othere multi-platform games, the jump is very small in direct feed pics prove this, unless where talking about frame rate and as for ninja gaiden 3, read the imporessions they say the framerate is much much better then the wiiu version, in a game like ninja gaiden i would consider that a  night and day differnce.