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Scisca said:
KylieDog said:
ishiki said:
KylieDog said:
Xxain said:
@Stage -Even through the reboot Tomb Raider is still instantly recognizable. DmC is not. Its almost like another game. CAPCOM's ex employee Seth Killian said it best. People dont want brand new. They want 70% of what they know and 30% new. Tomb Raider meets that break up. DmC does not.

Actually a lot of the TR fanbase dislike the new TR and claim its like another game.

not to the extent of DmC fanbase though it obviously exists. And I think with TR it made a lot of new fans so the overall reaction was a lot less negative. Wherea's DmC failed in that aspect, and mainly pissed off a large amount of old ones.

But I personally thought the new DmC was more like the old DMC's aside from being easy, and the artstyle. 

The new Tomb Raider felt like a cross between it's old self, uncharted, and resident evil to me. Which I liked a lot. But it was quite a drastic change from underworld (which I also liked a lot) or the other 8. Which aside from TR2, GoL, and Angel of Darkness, had a lot less action/puzzle ratio.

New TR is a much bigger change than new DMC, new DMC is a reboot with a new Dante but the genre and gameplay is still the same, while the new TR is a reboot with a new Lara but the gameplay is completely different, barely any puzzles, the puzzles are simplistic, the platforming isn't chalenging anymore, is mainly a shooter now.

Which just shows how bad the DMC fanbase is.

At end of the day, Capcom didn't reboot DMC because the series was doing good.


DMC4 sold 3 mil - you call that "not doing good"? Well now they pissed the fanbase and won't even get close to 1 mil with the reboot, so we know just how bad their move was.



S.T.A.G.E. said:
venomcarnage said:
What I have always found interesting is the claim that old-school DMC fans killed the franchise these guys were ignored insulted and given a product they didn't want they of course didn't buy it and then it not selling some how became their fault.I love this insane notion that you should support something you dont want so you can continue to get something you dont want

Look at metacritic. The ratings on the user end were sabotaged and they never gave the game a chance despite having some of the highest ratings of the year for a hack n slash. Its called a boycott. I am a DMC fan myself (of the style) and I wasnt disappointed. This game forced Ninja Theory to learn how to work to make a demanding hack n slash and they proved their value. Most of the people who dislike the game have not played it and refused to play it and if they did play it its obvious the sequel was being prepped to expand upon the gameplay of the first. They weaved your character growth into the story instead of it feeling random like DMC normally did in the past. This is flawed logic and they have no place in an argument.

So it may be a good Hack 'n' Slash game, but it's not a DMC game, that's why it sold like other good HnS games did this gen and not like a DMC game. Why do you expect the DMC fanbase to buy any single game that crapcom slaps the DMC sticker on? Also, why support something you don't want? The fans show what they want - they want true DMC, they want the "gay" Dante. Every single classic DMC game sold 3-4 mil, no matter if it was good or bad - you call that a bad fanbase? They just don't want this wanna-be Dante, they don't want to see how he evolves and don't want a sequel with him. It's similar to MGS2 - nobody wants another MGS game about Raiden and without Snake. Return to old roots, to old Dante, give fans what they want, apologise and be thankful for the lesson.

Talk for yourself, MGS2 is still the best game in the series and Raiden was crucial in it.