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I got a 3ds recently and overall have been very pleased with it. In fact, as a Wii-skeptic, it has rekindled my love of Nintendo.

I'm with you on the circle pad though - you feel your thumb sliding around, I hope I can get used to that.

I'm happy as Larry with the functionality and the Games (NSMB2, DOA Dimensions, Mario 3d, MK7), while already I can see games I really want to play both new and in the DS back catalogue. Code of Princess is available for download now - as a Guardian Heroes fan, that's a definite purchase.

Incredible graphics weren't expected but they seem to do the job pretty well, while there are jaggies everything appears to run at a nice smooth frame rate. I leave the 3D effect off or on lowest setting most of the time but welcome the potential it could have in future titles.

Things Nintendo could do to make me even happier: Give us Youtube (they always say the same thing. Nintendo, Why don't you want it to be a multimedia device? It plays your vids pretty well so it's kind of mixed messages), If it had a USB slot so you could watch your own movies etc that would have been cool .avi .mp4 .mkv etc - unrealistic I know; but you know you'd love it.

If nothing else, PLEASE give us Majoras Mask.

Too much planning, and you'll never get anything done.

Karl Pilkington.