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Complaints about Iwata baffle me.

As an investor I think he's fantastic for posting about 10 billion or so in profits. As a gamer I love that he's in charge since his background is as a game designer.

Nintendo's hardware strategy is infinitely superior to their competitors. 20% more home console sales is impressive, but vastly more impressive is that Nintendo makes money on their systems. People criticize Nintendo for not having more powerful hardware, but in truth the only reason that Sony and MS release more powerful systems is because their gaming divisions don't need to make money, or much money. Nintendos aren't underpowered, the competition is overpowered. If Sony and MS were only gaming companies, they would have gone banckrupt long ago.

The Wii and DS were brilliance, and I think most would agree with that. The sleek, apple-like designs looked high-end but the tech was cheap to make. The touchscreen DS brought in a whole new demographic of customers.

The Wii U and 3DS are perhaps even more brilliance. Not as groundbreaking as before, but both systems have the forsight to battle a more difficult market. The 3DS offers affordable gaming and the 3D is not a feature which is replicated on phones. Wii U offers a touchscreen which can enable the porting of iOS and Android type games which are loved by the mass market. They may not be as successful as their predecessors, but they are perhaps even more creative in battling a tougher market.

Game droughts are vastly over-rated. This one in particular. In the grand scheme of things, Jan and Feb '13 will mean nothing. It is way better to have a spectacluar lineup in fall '13 when real competition launches than a few token releases right now.

Nintendo could do a few things better. NintendoLand was poorly named. Wii U could have used 4 gig RAM, but I think Nintendo was sure that Sony would only have 4. But I think they are on the right track. If I were in Iwata's shoes I would do a major change in Wii U marketing, and I might look at purchasing a couple developlers or a publisher with multiple developers. If 3rd party support ends up being week, buying someone like Take Two would make that irrelevant. GTA, Bioshock and 2K sports would make EA's lack of support no longer matter, and fill the voids in Nintendo's release schedule.

But overall I think Iwata is excellent.