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Argh_College said:
Yup and most Hardcore Gamers are on Xbox 360 playing on Xbox Live and NOT on Psn.

Ps3 players = living of brand name

Xbox players = Hardcore guys that spend 24/7 on a game they want to be good, thats why only Xbox enters in Pro Competitions like MLG, ESL and more... Ps3 is left in the Dust.

Pc Players = Most Hardcore guys on the freaking Planet.

So Xbox is in the middle, Ps3 cant be hardcore with that online and ZERO competition around the globe and Pc is a true hardcore platform.

Microsoft did right in turn their focus to Casual Audience, Hardcore Gamers are a niche these days, there are alot but Casual Gamers are gazilions.

Ye you're right. All us ps3 players are living off of a brand name. Nothing to do with the superior set of exclusive games, the quality of the console or nothing like that. Sorry we can't all be as hardcore as you cool guys on Xbox playing call of duty 24/7.