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Pemalite said:
what are your framerates like with that old Radeon 4850?

Well I haven't used FRAPS in a while, but thanks to my trained eye I can tell you that most games run well over the 30 frames at that quality and resolution, with some exceptions:

- L.A. Noire dips will into the 20s, sometimes below that. But it's still enjoyable, because the game looks fantastic anyway and doesn't need that much speed.

- Metro 2033 struggles to reach the 30s at 1280x800, and it's not even at high quality.

- Saints Row The Third apparently has problems with AMD cards. No matter the resolution or quality, it runs below the 20s. It's good that the game is really fun, because that performance is unacceptable with that kind of graphics.

- Borderlands 2 usually runs like a charm, except when you're looking at very large scenarios. Like Tundra Express (where you find Mordecai the first time). It struggles there, dipping into the 20s. It runs over the 30s everywhere else.

I think it's not too shabby for a card that I bought for $200 (incl. shipping to Mexico) five years ago, and my whole PC cost me $700 to build back in the day. But still, I think it's time for an upgrade D: