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Bristow9091 said:
platformmaster918 said:
Bristow9091 said:
You know what would be funny? If Microsoft DID have an event in April to try and move attention away from the PS4 which had an event earlier this year... and then Sony had another event the following week or two, showing off the console and such lol... that'd be a pretty big kick in the nuts to Microsoft, since journalists and such only really care about the latest console revealing (If Sony show the PS4 console itself off at this event, if it's even real) and announcements, lol.

Oh well, I'm waiting to see the new Microsoft console if it's announced this month, I want to see what they have to offer, and see if we can compare the specs, since apparently it's not as strong as the PS4, yet will use some of the same parts... such as the CPU, right?

but won't MS just schedule an event for the day after Sony's then?  This vicious cycle will continue until they're released.  By the 3rd month of events MS just gets on stage and starts doing standup video game comedy.

Oh god you're right... they'll be making Ridge Racer jokes D:

Mattrick: "So anyone hear the one about the giant enemy crab?"

One media member who still attends after 3 months of "events" every day:  "I'm just here for the orderves"

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers