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I endorse this thread. I didn't start playing Final Fantasy games until I learned about emulators in '00 or '01 (even though I'm old enough to have played the very early ones if I would've known about them at the time), so my first Final Fantasy game was FFVI, played on my PC. I enjoyed it.

After eventually getting a PS2 and giving the PS1 Final Fantasies a try, none of them really stood out as anything that special - except for IX (even though I haven't finished it yet). I still think most of the die-hard VII fans are those who were too young to play the SNES titles and were introduced to the series with the Playstation I. VII, at least to me, is very boring.


Oh, and while I'm mentioning Final Fantasy vi, I loved the humor and that game.  The Opera scene, Kefka, etc. were all hilarious.