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I am pessimistic about the Wii U. I was pessimistic about the Wii also.

The Wii "craze" blew my pessimism away but only to realize that I was right to be pessimistic in the first place. All the great sales did not provide the console with the great games everyone wanted. The Wii never became the console all developers want to invest in. Even Nintendo at the end pretty much let it die. Sure it produced great games but were very few.

Now the Wii U...I am pessimistic that Nintendo did an about face with the motion controls. They invested greatly in a tablet feature and not in "console power" and at the same time claiming a move to get the "hardcore" gamers back.

I just don't know what is going on. Wii Sports was a perfect demo for the motion controls. But Nintendoland is a horrible demo of the tablet in that in has a casual presentation but hardcore game mechanics. In other words a casual player will not be able to enjoy it unless a hardcore gamer shows the casual how to play.

"¿Por qué justo a mí tenía que tocarme ser yo?"