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It will happen after PC gaming has standardization, i.e., as soon as MAC and LINUX gaming is killed off.

Mac and Linux gaming is already essentially a non-entity. It certainly wasn't a factor a few years ago.

I guess this topic is asking if there will be a single standard once hardware advancements level off. But I'm not sure that will ever happen, or at least not as long as society as we know it is still recognizable. There will always be room for advancement. We might reach photorealistic graphics in a few years, but will we be able to render an entire crowd of people photorealistically? A city? A planet? Will we be able to examine objects up close? Microscopically? Will there be support for physics systems that calculate all effects and properties at a particle level? Will we be able to jump seamlessly from a racing game to a fighting game to space travel without switching engines? Until we can do all this and more, the demand for better hardware, and the competition that goes with it, will continue.