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Lord no, that was the beginning of the end of starfox. That game was a generic zelda clone that after 10 hours into the game I just gave up on. They need to scrap putting fox on the ground, and just make a frikkin starfox game.

The problem with that is length. Starfox 64 (the best of the starfox series) takes about 30-45 minutes to beat. there's alot of replay value in getting gold medals, taking different routes, but it's an incredibly short game. That wasn't a big deal at all in the mid 90s. Today if someone payed 50 dollars for a game that was over in 30 minutes the internet would explode. Starfox was a game that was played for fun, and for the challenge of accomplishing various difficult tasks after you beat the game. People don't want a fun game anymore, they want an experience. They don't want to beat a game 30-50 times trying to achieve something. They want to watch a cool story, shoot some stuff, and 8 hours later get to a big climactic ending feeling satisfied that they just sat through something that looked cool.

A couple of possible solutions. It's an arcade experience. It would have to be heavily advertised as an arcade experience, so people aren't expecting something else. Make single player replayability high, lots of things to work to achieve for the die hard gamers that got all the gold medals in Starfox 64. And (2) online multiplayer. A game can be extremely short and be forgiven if it has extensive online multiplayer (COD4 for instance). A starfox with 24 people in arwings, landmasters, and maybe a couple other vehicles duking it out could be ALOT of fun.

The question is, would Nintendo actually take that route and make a logical upgrade for starfox, or just make another really crappy Starfox Adventures or whatever the other one was called that had all the on foot missions. Only time will tell I suppose.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.