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There are game companies I want to see fail, but it has little/nothing to do with Nintendo. For example, I dislike Microsoft because of what they stand for, not because they compete. Same with EA or Activision - the support they give Nintendo consoles doesn't affect my opinions of their games. Nintendo is a company, they can handle themselves.

As for people asking, "People's jobs are at stake, how could you hope for them to lose their jobs?" The answer is, I don't think their jobs are productive, so I don't care if they lose their jobs. Seriously, if someone is working for Zynga, am I supposed to feel bad for them when they go down? Obviously it's more in the grey area with some like EA and Activision, it sucks when people lose jobs, but that's life. If you wanted digital / streaming movies to take over physical copies, for example, you indirectly called for all the lost home video / Blockbuster rental jobs. It's the same thing. Asking for change is asking for jobs to be lost.