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" @Kyros--not a brand new one , but a good quality used one can be a few hundred cheaper and if the person is only searching for a player they will over look the PS3"

a few hundred cheaper? I think you should first make some research and refrain from simply stating your (wrong) thoughts as fact. The cheapest players on are starting at 280. (Apparently with 30 seconds loading time). Used start from 250$.
There are some reasons for buying a standalone player (fits better in the media center, dedicated to movie playing ...) But the price is no argument.

"this is just my Opinion--the Death of HD will equal to mabye a 2-3 percet increase in Ps3 Sales--and with that small of number it will be hard to track "

Exactly this is your opinion and thats fine. But if you think, that the BR sales won't increase markedly due to the death of HD-DVD, why don't you say so. Why do you invent a 2-3% number that has nothing to do with reality? Inventing numbers is a big sport around here I know but come on.