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Nem said:

Yes, whatever you say. Great high profile games you listed there. You are completely right.

What i imagine to be playing is ninja blade, crackdown, dust and mark of the ninja. Who cares about X, Fire emblem x shin megami tensei, God of war, the last of us. uncharted, GT, etc. You are completely right. How couldnt we see?


My point never changed. Microsoft doesnt care about gamers and games, they only care about ruling the living room space and extorting as much money as they can. And that is why they dont buy Nintendo or why they didnt buy SEGA. You sir, have no case.


Let's see if I understand this.

You can list God of War, Uncharted and GT, but I have to rule out Gears of War, Halo, Forza and Fable out of my list? Where's the fairness there? So those are good games to you? Of all the games you could mention from the Ps3? That's freakin' funny.  There's Rain, Puppeteer, Beyond (At least you mentioned The Last of Us, thank God) this year, you know. I care about those games, you know.

But you're missing the point, again. We were not comparing companies, nor comparing game quality. There's enough Uncharted vs Gears of war and Forza vs Gran Turismo in this generation already. But here, you said the following thing:

Nem said:

They should totally go for it then.


Oh right... they just want to rule the living room, they dont care about giving us good games.


I (and yourself) have proven that yes, indeed, they have given us good games (and they keep doing so). So no, that statement does not stand. They want money? Of course. Sony and Nintendo want money too. But that is not the point, you see.


I, sir, have a case, I'm afraid. You keep going off the point.