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twilight_link said:
Daisuke72 said:
twilight_link said:

mid-end gaming PC now (months before its launch), low-end gaming PC in few years, platform flushed with horrible looking ports of PC games mostly with bad frame rate and or low resolution.

The PS4 buzz stinks with Vita type fiasco, platform hyped by many bought by few.


Steam Box if done properly can wipe the floor with PS4

Low resolution? The PS4 runs game in a native 1080P. ALL consumer TVs that don't cost an arm and a leg(the 4K ones) maximum resolutions are 1080P. Console gaming is mean to be done on a TV, not on a computer monitor, where you can buy monitors with better resolutions than that. So as it stands, 1080P is the highest mainstream resolution available right now, why would they aim for something higher, and since WHEN did 1080P become low resolution gaming? You're not even a good hater, because good haters at least try to make sense. And let's not pretend that PC doesn't get shitty ports either, because it happens all the fucking time. 


The PS Vita had no hype outside the Internet, at all. Some of my friends never even heard of the Vita, and yet ALL of my friends know about the PS4 and are getting one. Also, if the PS3 is selling 100K a week worldwide at $250+ there's  clearly a demand for Playstation consoles. Once again, try harder.


Steam box won't wipe the floor with consoles, ever. The average gamer isn't computer literate enough for the steam box, and really the idea of upgrading your consoles when you want would confuse the fuck out of some. The steam box has NO exclusives, fuck, if I'm right then it'd be essentially like a normal gaming PC. There's no demand for it, only Valve fanboys and some PC Gamers will buy it.


Once again, try harder, improve.

higher complexity of graphics will force developers to some sacrifice so the resolution will be scaled down, remember the PS4 is only mid-end PC it has low-end CPU and mid-end GPU nothing more or less.

As for Playstation brand, well your evidence is meaningless and even this speaks volume about brand recognition, the problem with Playstation crowd is they are interested only in what is cool this matter for them, so their portable handheld  was overshadowed by some casual devices and even those who know about Vita and own one are interested in cool brands on their devices as was case of CoD: Declassified regardless of their actual quality, and this is extremely important because this crowd don't give a fuck about Sony 1st party games, so if some cool device became at sight the brand is finished as was in case of Sega.

Sales of Playstation well who are those costumers, are they new or only those who bought replacement consoles i don't know but if sales of their 1st party games are some indicator well it's not good for them although last year Playstation brand expanded every single of their 1st party game bombed on the market.

The average gamer isn't computer literate enough for the steam box, and really the idea of upgrading your consoles when you want would confuse the fuck out of some.

Agree and this is exactly the problem, the consoles became venue for illiterate mob to play horrible PC ports.

The more blood and gore the more MATURE and HARDCORE the biggest sales, it's so easy to address them

Proof you know little about the console market. Most of Sony's exclusives appeal to western audiences. Xbox owns the United States, Sony owns Europe and Japan. Japanese people don't buy many western titles, but the sales of Japanese PS3 games that aren't localized, and some that are, take up for the fact that Microsoft's western based exclusives outsells Sony, and even then, it's only in some cases. 


The PS Vita is bombing because of price and poor marketing, and yes, some people are seeing handheld gaming is obsolete nowadays. However the  fact that some people never even heard of the PS Vita speaks volumes. The PS4 has way more hype and consumers behind it. 


Mob to play horrible PC Ports? You mean, some of the console games that are actually ported from PC to consoles? Most multi-plat games look better on PC's and run at higher FPS depending on your rig. Yes. But do realize. Not everyone is a graphics whore. The only edge PC gamers use is graphics, frames, and lower prices. But console gaming has way more perks, and quite frankly I'm tired of PC gamers always boasting about their rigs. Makes me believe that they don't even have the PC they speak of, fuck I have a decent rig and I never brag about it. 


Point is, consoles have more exclusive AAA games, are cheaper, better to play with friends and family and appeals to the masses. PC Gaming doesn't. Get over it.