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Mr Khan said:
famousringo said:
Mr Khan said:


I recall having an intense amount of trouble with Peco the first time around, which is why all the trouble i had this time surprised me, especially since my skills from Tri are mostly retained (i did fine against Barroth, who i also really struggled with the first time in Tri)

@ famousringo: i was kind of afraid too (mostly because i remember having much more trouble piercing him with low-end weapons, but Thane Lance+ did just fine).

Oh yeah, change it up to something faster. I had great success in Tri with sword + shield or hammer on Peco, and I'm sure dual blades would do well, also. If you're killing Ludroth, you can craft a watery switch axe that'll fuck that bird right up.

@dahuman, Dang, guess I really do need to get online.

I tend to be very narrow in specialization. Perhaps why Rathalos is so hard for me, because he flies around too damn much. Speed isn't the issue with Peco, nor is flight (he's almost more vulnerable there, because his flying attacks are much less bothersome than his ground attacks, yet he doesn't get up high enough to get out of the way of anything).

I could, perhaps, afford to learn Hammer, who is almost Lance's total opposite...

Hammer's pretty great. It lacks for reach, but it has a sweet combination of power and mobility. My only real beef with it is that it can't cut tails, so I wouldn't be inclined to use it against Rathalos. 

Long sword would probably do pretty well against Peco, too. It has a lot of sharpness at low level, so it can slice through those annoying flints.

I'd encourage you to branch out and find a few different weapons that suit you. Not only are particular weapon types more effective against different monsters, but it's easier to amass a varied arsenal of elemental types so you can really target a beastie's weakness. 

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.