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oniyide said:
Wii everything about it just felt halfassed, barely more powerful than GC, the Wiimote, innovative my ass, their was motion tech games before that and just like the ones before it, it was mediocore at best, flat out didnt work at worst. The online...Ninty didnt even try. Did we really need so much WiiSports/Fit and Just dance knockoffs? There are only so many games that could be made with that subject material.

I dont care what anyone says IMHO the first party was probably one of the worst. WiiSeries does nothing for me, for reasons with the wiimote i already mentioned and they all felt shallow. TP was a multiplat SS was not all that and IMHO might be the worst of the 3d Zeldas. Yes i know it saw the return of 2d Mario to the console but that doestn mean anything to me when it isnt a better game than 3 or World, just save my money and play one of those again. Brawl that online was atrocious. Mario Kart, they took the challenge out to make it more accesible, i get it. but ill stick to DD then. Really the only franchies that were better to me, was Sin and Punishment and 3d Mario. The only game that i really enjoyed was GE and that got a better port on the HDs anyway.

Easy there, big fella. Take a deep breath