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Domination in a console sense could simply be having an overwhelming majority of *software* sold through your system. This implies that most developers are making software for your system - which in turn also leads to domination.

Probably 3:1 (as a minimum) against every other direct competitor.


I say the DS is easily dominating the PSP - but its still too early for the Wii. It has dominated to date - but its still early days.

The best thing that could happen for Ninty (with the Wii) is MS make a strong comeback this year - and outsell the PS3 over the course of the year. That would almost certainly hand this generation to Ninty on a platter.

The worst thing, would be for MS to pack it in - and exit the industry. Which would be the best thing for Sony.

EDIT - Welcome back Kwaad! :) 

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