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I'm intrigued as to how much of the software Nintendo have scheduled for Wii-U in 2013 actually makes it out. Given that they seem to be struggling to get Pikmin 3 finished, it seems a little absurd that they can announce all these new titles as well and get them out before the end of the year (on top of the 3DS games they're releasing).

Priority should be given to Mario Kart & 3D Mario I suppose, and I suspect we'll see a few of the lesser titles fall by the wayside. I've said this before, but I wouldn't actually be surprised if Pikmin 3 was shelved for the foreseeable future to move resources onto projects likely to yield better results for the console. Just speculation, of course.

If, however, they managed to get all the summer releases out in time AND have the packed holiday schedule they've promised, then I will actually be impressed, and they'll deserve every success which comes from that.