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Bananaking21, you deserve a gold medal, or better, a million gold medals

Finally an intelligent and reasonable topic about the WiiU situation here!
Have people discussed it yet ? Not exactely. So far what we´ve seen here about the WiiU was just fanboy wars and nothing more. Glad to see some sense here.

Well... there´s a lot of things Nintendo must do, first better marketing and advertsiment, second: launch new 1st party games soon - forget about the 3rd parties: we all know that what sells Nintendo systems are Nintendo games and 3rd parties will just have any interest when sales get better - and some improvements on their online services. A price cut would help, and while I can´t imagine that happening soon, they will need to work it out before the holidays. Until there, some promotions like the 3DSxl + Luigi´s Mansion (where you get a free game) would be great.

Still, we need to wait when the new games come out. I can´t think about WiiU situation without remembering both Vita and 3DS (in its first semester) struggles. I do believe that the low sales of these new consoles are not just a matter of the products themselves, but it´s about the shrinking market and tha lack of interest from casual players - yes, they DO represent an important share of this business. We may be walking a path where consoles will be irrelevant and people will play their games just on PCs and tablets. I hope to be wrong.