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what yrs the sabb where im from if your car is above mid 90s meaning uses obdII then motor vehicles just scans the ecu to see if you have check engine light if you dont then you pass older vehicles are probed at the tail pipe and emissions must be met its a much stricter test to pass since its black and white

it wasnt always like this poor economy has let to major cuts where im from and emission test has been scaled back alot

also you cant fix a thermostat or coil they must be changed

thermostats are pretty cheap 3-25$ depending on type not that hard to change either unless the water neck is difficult to reach

coils are also easy to change yourself aswell but the part can be pricy depending on car there usually $50-100 each

a good way to determine which coil failed is to swap existing coil locations to pinpoint the exact one the is faulty rather than purchase all of them, when you switch locations the misfire also moves to that cylinder


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