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In my humble opinion, the Government should be out of the marriage business.  If this was the case then marriage would be a totally religious thing and at that point it would all but irrelivant.  If for some reason the government needs to be involved then at a maximum it should be the state governments rulings on this and not a federal law.

Now having said that, and seeing that the government will probably not get out of the marriage business, they must pass laws based off of some moral ground.  In the U.S.A. that moral ground is based off of Jedao Christian values, and as such gay marriage should not be allowed.  If a government allowed gay marrage then the next logical step would be for family members to marry.  This may sound a bit insane but many would do it just for insurance reasons.  So then one has to ask what exactly is marriage?  Again the answer to this question doesn't involve the government, but it is two people making vowes in front of God.  

In most peoples view, the government could go away tomorrow, tear up everyones marrage certificates and the people that were married would still consider themselves married.  Does anyone really need the government to tell them this?  Unfortunately, this comes down to money, and if the government wasn't so large (and powerful), then this wouldn't be an issue at all.  

Now the real question is why are there so many non video game posts on a video game site?