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I think the gaming gap is over emphasized or might even be non existent. Being stoked about your particular platforms games tends to blind you to other games on other platforms. Microsoft has plenty of highly anticipated games, and a number of exclusives enough to match Sony. We can list titles all day long, but basically the 360 has a answer and is matching on the quantity front. The only question lies in the quality front. Which is entirely in the eye of the beholder. Which stable of titles will garner the most critical acclaim.

Further more in all of these debates we tend to turn a blind eye towards those lovable dark horses. There are games on the horizon that are below all of our radars but which are ambitious enough to be ground breaking if the developers can realize their vision. We just repeat the same titles over and over again, but the likes of a Huxley is just absent even though it reads like a FPS wet dream.

That is hurting the debate in all honesty the roster of players is too fluid. The exclusive lists for both consoles dwarf what could be referred to as the golden few. Further more the cross platform titles dwarf the exclusive content on both platforms. Anyway if you take the time to do a comparative listing without any biased curving the 360 and the PS3 are on par with one another. The only difference being that the 360 has a deeper more varied back catalog of games.