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I'm not entirely informed in the subject, but from what I've heard both sides a decent argument to make. It's a matter of opinion really, but here is mine.

I believe that gay couples should have the right to a civil union under State & FEDERAL law. They can call it marriage if they like, I don't care, but they can't force any specific religion to marry them under their doctrines.

------>One problem that may arise from this is if polygamy has a grounds for appeal too if society begins to accept it as a norm. I can't even think of any type of civil union that may be taboo, but I think it's out there.

It's a very controversial subject like abortion. For some people it is not, and I can understand because of where they stand; however, I think both arguments have some legitimate concerns. If you doubt me, just listen to what the supreme court justices discuss the subject. Things that I never thought of are in the conversation.