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Carl2291 said:

zippy said:
Funny how all these types of threads are posted by a Sony fan ;)

Talking about the topic at hand, rather than trying to deflect the negativity back onto the OP... Is usually a good thing to do.
Anyway. I predicted it about a Year ago now that the Wii U would struggle for support in the opening 20 Months, though Im surprised its not getting this considering its EA and EA philosophy is to milk everything like a big bovine whore for all that its worth.
Nintendo need the big hitters out soon or interest in Wii U simply wont grow.

Im quite aware Battlefield wont be making its way to Wii U. I dont need a Sony fan to tell me that, its not the first time doom threads have been posted on a Nintendo discussions board by a non Nintendo fan. It becomes a little tiresome.