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Now, with recent news of Battlefield 4 and bioshock coming out, it got me thinking about graphics in general. Which do you prefer more and why? I was really impressed with the new bf 4 gameplay footage, especially the scene in the screenshot shown.  That scene was just absolutely gorgeous to me. On the otherhand I also felt impressed and in awe the first time I saw Columbia in Bioshock Infinite. The game graphically is nowhere near bf4, but it still impressed me though. So I will have to go with both, which is kind of a cop-out, but still.


Battlefield 4 (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Durango)

Killzone ShadowFall (PS4)

The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt (PC, PS4, Durango)


Bioshock Infinite (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

Journey (PS3)

Borderlands 2 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)


I may have worded it a bit weird now that I've seen the comments. By creative, I meant the art style isn't going for photorealism. So I guess stylized would be a better term to use. Bioshock or dishonored for example have distinct styles and so does borderlands. Battlefield,killzone, and other games like them seem more grounded in reality while going for photorealism. Even though games like the witcher 3 may have fantasy elements that don't exist in reality, the graphics themselves strive for realism.