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ghettoglamour said:
cmeese47 said:
I thought the Ni no kuni platinum was fairly easy

May I ask you some questions about Ni No Kuni?

1. How much time is needed for platinum?

2. How much do you have to grind?

3. Can you enjoy the main story and the side quests you want and then focus on trophies. Or do you have to keep an eye on trophies all the time?

4. Are there many boring, dull trophies?


I'm getting the game anyway sooner or less, I just don't know if I want to get the plat or not. Bros before hos. Fun before trophies, you know

1. About 70-80h.

2.Taming or evolving 250 species is the grind.  If you start soon and wise while getting a little bit of luck it's not much of a grind. Oh and finding some ingredients for alchemy are a little tedious too...

3.Yes, but reread 2.

4. No