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madskillz said:
ils411 said:
madskillz said:
Dolla Dolla said:
I'll take my domination with pepperoni, a-thank u.

And please, PLEASE ... hold the anchovies. They are way way too salty for me ...

OT: How many more posts before this thread is locked? Hmmm ... I'll bet $100 VG$ that it's closed in the next .... upteen posts.

so, if thirteen to fifteen makes up dwonteen and sixteen to nineteen makes up the upteen, and posts have passed twenty, would this mean i win? :P

/ Proof positive why PCs, Web access and trailer parks don't mix.

OT - the 360 has a  7M lead in NA over the PS3 - and is still leading in Others - and dang - even my nana knew the 360 would phail in Japan. What was your point again? Your post just made my brain hurt ...

original point is that ps3 has just passed the total 360 install base ww outside of NA.

and as for NA, ps3 will probably cut the the 7m lead, but i dont see it overtaking it.