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Well my favourite FF is FFVI and my second one FFIX..

But is a close one because their are things I prefer of FFIX and things that I prefer of FFVI.

My Rankings of FF:


Oh and about last gen. FFX and FFXII brought something in their games that I would like in the new FF's.

FFX = Building your characters, I love the sphere grid YES I am serious, It made for me the game so more appealing because I was tired of the level up system.. I always hated the fact that if you were level 100 you still could be very weak while that is impossible if you have the sphere grid where you can build all your Characters to the maximum (or almost). Well if the game had no Sphere grid I would certainly had no save date of +300 hours;.

FFXII = A LOT OF YOU WILL DISAGREE but I am so happy that the game didn't had RANDOM ENCOUNTERS. It made the game mor fun for me and also faster.

Why? Well an example:

Before FFXII if you checked your walktrough for an item and you found out that the item was in CAVE X at FLOOR 12. It was a pain in a ass to get there. Every ten steps you made you got attacked and it always took a lot of time like 30 minutes to get there and 30 minutes to get out (Depends if you had Teleportation in the game or not).

Well in FFXII you just go in the cave and can run to the item in like five minutes without being attacked and go out again in 5 minutes...

Well that makes the game more fun for me and I can not believe that no one was ever annoyed by those Random encounters..