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Gamerace said:
gigantor21 said:
Gamerace said:
Yeah I agree with the OP but Gigantor2 has a very valid point, the Kinect 2.0 720 will likely be more appealing to casuals than a WiiU minus gamepad (and even at it's much cheaper price-point it'd have to compete directly with 360/Kinect at the same price).

Nintendo has really screwed themselves with the gamepad. A modified and enhanced wiimote with built in touch screen (small) would have been a much better idea and was in fact the original idea that spawned the gamepad. Why they went back to dual analog is beyond me. It was like admitting their own defeat at motion controls.

Really making some awesome game that need the gamepad in a fun and compelling (not shoehorned) way is they only way to save the WiiU from mediocore sales. And I just don't see it happening. What are they going to come up with that hasn't been done on DS/3DS/any touch screen device? A touchscreen was f---ing ancient (tech-wise) before release, and everything it can do is being done on other touch screen devices now. Worse, Galaxy S4 will allow you to play all your games on both your phone and TV with a dual analog/touch screen/motion controller. Infinitely cooler than a WiiU (and Ouya) for a huge host of reasons. No one needs a WiiU. It's existence isn't (yet) justified. And I'm a huge Wii fan.

Their best bet is scrapping WiiU ASAP and launching another more power, more innovative console post PS4/720 to be the best console for both core/casuals and make it a device that can play at home and on the road.

I don't agree on that last point TBH.

It'll piss all over the millions of people who did buy a WiiU. It's basically Nintendo saying "yeah, this was a bad idea, sorry for letting you waste hundreds of dollars on a failed product we didn't even have faith in." That would severely poison the company's relationship with their core fanbase, while people who were on the fence with the Wii U would be even more suspicious of the next console. That ill-will and mistrust would kneecap the next system's sales badly. I can't think of anything they could do with a new console that would make up for the marketing Pandora's box of shelving the Wii U too fast.

Whether or not it works out for them, Nintendo is pretty much stuck with the WiiU as-is, for the next 4 years at absolute minimum. 

History disproves your assumption.

Nintendo has already done this before and more harshly than what would happen with WiiU - Remember Vertual Boy?

2016 is likely the earliest Nintendo could launch a new console, 4 years from launch.  Xbox had a 4 year life which in no way hurt 360's sales.

In 2016 Nintendo could unleash a console/portable hybrid, close to par with PS4/720 (doesn't have to match just close enough to get all the games) and do very, very well.  They could make it even more powerful but the cost would hurt sales more than the slightly superior graphics would help.

You mean they put out an improved version of Virtual Boy that went on to sell gangbusters? News to me.

And yeah, I specifically said 4 years minimum.

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