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Yea but what are the use of the discs. If you wanted to burn a movie to show your friends, the friend would also need a hd-dvd player, which I would Imagine would be difficult. Face it their isnt much you can do with the media because of the low amount of burners (which are extremely low) and players available.

I feel for the consumers to. Hell I liked HD-DVD, it was cheap, looked nice and had some pretty cool interactive stuff but I knew it was dead as soon as the PS3 came with a blu-ray player. It couldn't compete. Hell I really feel sorry for the people that bought laptops with built in HD-DVD.

The only way I see toshiba helping their fans is by either a) Making sure all the newst movies get a limited amount HD-DVD copies made which can be sold through toshibas official site or b) offer compensations such as for example replacing the HD-DVD player with something more viable.