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There is no question having main games will increase WiiU's sales.

The flawed assumption this OP makes is in thinking that Nintendo fans are expecting another Wii. There are not. In a poll on the subject 80% of people (on this site) expected WiiU to sell less than 80M and the majority less than 60m.

Despite a few optimistic few who said 100m+ (and time could prove them right) there is no assumption that WiiU will be another Wii or PS2, just that good games will sell systems at a reasonable amount and this is a reasonable argument. Unless you can provide a reason why they wouldn't.

GC was hindered by it's own design, lack of DVD play and later, lack of online play. Sony also smeared it with a 'kiddie system' stigma that it took years for Nintendo to break even with games like Eternal Darkness, Geist and it's fair share of M games like True Crime, Splinter Cell, etc. It took Wii's appeal to people's moms and grandma's to break the 'kiddie' label.

WiiU doesn't have these hold-backs although I feel the gamepad itself will be a significant hold back to sales but that's another matter.

Nintendo mainline franchises will sell WiiU systems at a rate normal for Nintendo home consoles. Nintendo fans are right to make that argument. Don't assume they assume another 100m seller because that is not the case for the vast majority of them.