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This is something that hasn't been talked about, but in the 80s when Betamax and VHS had a war going on and VHS won, Betamax still retained some market in several areas, it just lost on the consumer video market. Proof of this is that Sony haltd Betamax recorders production in 2002.


Ok now to my point, we know Nintendo is only interested in the video game market. Nintendo consoles don't even play DVD movies something considered a standard today. But even today Nintendo is having trouble with piracy, here in my country pirated Wii games are sold everywhere, something I haven't seen for any other Nintendo console ever.

Imagine the next generation of consoles, the Blu-Ray format is probably going to be used for the PS4 and X720 to retain the movie playback capabilities with the standard format of the time, but Nintendo isn't interested in that so it is logical that they would choose a format that has a high capacity while not being very easy to copy.

Why am I saying that HD-DVD won't be easy to copy? well because we all know that players/recorders won't be produced for the consumer market anymore, so it will be very hard to find the proper equipment to copy HD-DVD discs after this happens.

You can say "lightbleeder you're talking nonsense! Blu-Ray format can't be copied!" but can't it? When DVDs just came out it was hard to find pirate movies but now it is common to have a DVD recorder at home! So I'll give it some time to see the Blu-Ray piracy proliferate.

What do you think?  Would be smart for Nintendo to make this move? Even Microsoft could decide to enable HD-DVD playback on its next console only for games or drop Blu-Ray and focus on movie downloads!
